Full-time priest of Diocese of Western Kowloon, Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui (the Hong Kong Anglican Church)
Present post : Associate Priest at St. Thomas’ Church (since Jan. 2019)Former directly-elected Legislative Councillor, Hong Kong (1991-95)
Married, with two sons.
I am Fung Chi Wood, a pastor, activist and politician dedicated to advocating for social justice and democratic principles in Hong Kong. My journey in activism began in my youth, fueled by the challenges and inequalities I witnessed in my community. This early exposure ignited my passion for making a difference, leading me to pursue higher education in political science and public administration.
Throughout my career, I have served as a legislative council member, where I championed causes close to my heart, including labor rights, education reform, and environmental protection. My work in the legislature has always been guided by a deep commitment to improving the lives of my constituents and fostering a more just and equitable society.
In addition to my legislative efforts, I am actively involved in grassroots movements and civil society organizations. I firmly believe in the power of community engagement and the importance of building a participatory democracy where every voice is heard and respected. My involvement in these movements has brought critical issues to the forefront and inspired many to join the cause for justice and equality.
My philosophy is grounded in the belief that true progress comes from dialogue, persistence, and unwavering ethical standards. I am proud of the work I have done and the impact it has had, but I am equally inspired by the new generation of activists who continue to push for change.
As I look to the future, my commitment to advocacy remains as strong as ever. I am dedicated to continuing the fight for human rights, political freedom, and the rule of law in Hong Kong, and I remain hopeful that together, we can create a better, more equitable world for all.
A few days after Lai Ching-te took the oath of office as President of Taiwan (on the morning of May…
商業電台因鄭經翰被提早解約而引起軒然風波,「爭取開放大氣電波聯盟」今日在報章刊登聲明,呼籲市民今午到商台集會,抗議商台無理封殺鄭經翰及黃毓民,並號召市民罷聽及杯葛商台節目及活動一個月,有學者指鄭經翰與黃毓民批評港府及中央尖銳,商台與他們解約,客觀上確實限制了香港言論自由空間。 「爭取開放大氣電波聯盟」今日下午三時在商台外舉行集會,抗議商台無理封殺鄭經翰及黃毓民,嚴重侵犯言論自由。聯盟又呼籲市民即日起杯葛商台,罷聽、不參加商台節目及活動一個月,聯盟在聲明中指現時大氣電波由三個電台壟斷,要求港府開放大氣電波讓民間有更多機會設立電台。 封殺名嘴言論被壓縮 聯盟發言人馮智活昨日在港台節目「星期六問責」中表示,商台與鄭經翰解約並非商業決定,他指節目主持人可以有不同風格,而鄭經翰及黃毓民的風格是代表最激烈的一種,他們不能繼續主持節目客觀上有言論空間收窄效果。 中文大學新聞與傳播學院教授陳韜文則指,回歸前殖民地時代《大公報》及《文匯報》鼓吹民族主義,是言論自由空間的最大極限,而鄭經翰及黃毓民對社會政策及中央政府的批評非常尖銳,象徵本港言論空間最闊界限,他們被封殺意味言論空間的邊界被壓縮。
一個民間團體昨日在商業電台外舉行集會,抗議商台與節目主持人鄭經翰提前解約,又改變節目方針,擔心會令言論空間收窄,團體並發起杯葛商台行動,呼籲市民罷聽及不參加商台的活動。另外,早前有市民就事件向廣播事務管理局投訴,廣管局主席馮華健昨日表示,會考慮有關投訴是否違反廣播規例再作跟進。 「爭取開放大氣電波聯盟」昨在商台外舉行集會,約有八十人參加,他們在門外掛橫額和上演街頭劇,聯盟並發起第一階段的杯葛行動,呼籲市民罷聽商台節目一個月。聯盟發言人馮智活表示,憂慮日後表達意見渠道收窄,又指現時本港並無公眾頻道,希望政府能開放大氣電波,讓市民申請設立民間廣播電台。