Understanding the Meaning of Walking in the Light

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Understanding the Meaning of Walking in the Light

As a priest, I have often found that the phrase “walking in the light” is a familiar metaphor ingrained within our Christian culture. It is frequently interpreted as acting righteously or living openly. From a biblical perspective, however, this phrase conveys the concept of giving up sin by following Jesus.

This particular phrase is found in the Old Testament, specifically in Isaiah 2:5, “O house of Jacob, come and let us walk in the light of the Lord.” The Psalms also contains similar expressions (56:13; 89:15), and so does Isaiah in other chapters (9:2; 50:10-11; 59:9).

In the New Testament, “walking in the light” is closely associated with being a follower of Jesus, who proclaimed, “I am the light of the world. He who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life” (John 8:12). While the verse does not explicitly state to “walk in the light, in other words, Jesus”, it does strongly caution against doing the contrary; thus, those who choose to follow Jesus are indeed “walking in the light.”

To put it simply, to “walk” means to live one’s life. One’s lifestyle or way of life can metaphorically be considered a “walk.” The term also indicates progress, suggesting growth or steps towards maturity. Likewise, “light” in the Bible can symbolize life, joy, righteousness, or understanding. It is clear in the scripture that light originates from the Lord God, the “Father of the heavenly lights” (James 1:17), who stands in stark contrast to evil. To assemble these elements together, “walking in the light” signifies “growing in holiness and maturing in the faith as we follow Jesus.”

The apostle John was known for consistently utilizing the “light” metaphor in connection to the Messiah. He noted in his writings that Jesus is “the true light that gives light to every man” (John 1:9). He then declares in 1 John 1:7, “If we walk in the light as He [God] is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” In verse 5, John categorically states that God’s very essence is light. In that sense, Jesus acts as the conduit or source of light to the world.

As Christians, our sacred task is to embody and live in the light that God bestows: “Now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light” (Ephesians 5:8). When we walk in the light, we automatically distance ourselves from darkness. Sin is cast aside into the shadows as we let our light “shine before men” (Matthew 5:16). It is God’s plan and intention for us to become increasingly like Christ (1 Thessalonians 4:3).

Ultimately, “walking in the light” requires us to regard Jesus as “the light” in the world and to “walk” in that light by heeding His teachings, living in His power, and developing in His grace.

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